c# - What is the PdfPTable.DefaultCell property used for? -

what defaultcell property used for?

the java documentation pdfptable.getdefaultcell() reads:

gets default pdfpcell used reference addcell methods except addcell(pdfpcell).

i don't understand it.

the documentation .net library lacking. java 1 still documented again not well. java 1 because 2 api's symmetrical. still don't understand meaning of property.

when creating pdfptable, add cells.

one way create pdfpcell object , add cell addcell() method.

another way use short-cut: don't create pdfpcell, add string or phrase table addcell() method. in case, pdfpcell created internally using default properties. can change default properties changing properties of default cell. default cell obtained using getdefaultcell() method.

this javadoc information about: default pdfpcell used reference addcell() methods except addcell(pdfpcell). (because when adding pdfpcell, properties of pdfpcell used, not properties of default cell.)

this explained in chapter 4 of book "itext in action - second edition".


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