actionscript 3 - File browse and open dialogs not working(opening) on AIR Windows -

enter image description herewe have many customers using our air application on mac , windows, 1 customer has issue, no file popup dialogs, opening, browse open, open button click handlers on air not on flash in browser there should not restrictions, unable find on google similar issues , not sure cause on machine , how fix it(if fix in code or tell customer configure) edit, here sample code

var browsefile:file = file.documentsdirectory; browsefile.addeventlistener(, fileselected); browsefile.browsefordirectory("select local folder"); 

edit2 exception error: error #2014: feature not available @ time. @ flash.filesystem::file$/initdocumentsdir() @ flash.filesystem::file$/get documentsdirectorypath() @ flash.filesystem::file$/get documentsdirectory()

my problem use .swc uses code don't have source work around this. not aware functionality not work


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