android - Signing apk by gradle - invalid encoding for special chars -

according many topics configuring gradle sign apk used solution. seems takes proper values, cannot success whole operation. problem letter "ł" showing wrong in terminal. need help, because don't know now. i've spent 4 hours on it...

this main project app gradle properites file:

apply plugin: 'android'  android {     compilesdkversion 19     buildtoolsversion "19.1.0"          defaultconfig {         minsdkversion 10         targetsdkversion 19     }      signingconfigs {         release {             storefile file(release_store_file)              storepassword release_key_alias              keyalias release_key_alias              keypassword release_key_password         }     }      buildtypes {         release {             signingconfig signingconfigs.release         }     }  }  dependencies {     //... } 

this file takes data ~/.gradle/ file in window's user dir.

org.gradle.parallel=true org.gradle.daemon=false      release_store_file=c:/users/xxx/f1/f1/android_market_key     release_store_password=lololo     release_key_alias=łłłł     release_key_password=lololo 

i've tried use:

compileoptions.encoding = "utf-8" 


tasks.withtype(compile) {     options.encoding = "utf-8" } 

or adding gradlew.bat options -d* set encoding , still fail.

please help, stucked.

check encoding of file , make sure it's utf-8.

some editors (such notepad) default ansi encoding, cause problems in case if file contains non-ascii characters.

(example: in notepad: file -> save -> encoding)


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