ajax - How to scrap a dynamic web site with python -

i'm starting scraping, , i'm trying started web scraping has dynamic content. start this, want try web

i want pick table

date tournament surface rd rk vrk score more dr a% df% 1stin 1st% 2nd% bpsvd time

in youtube works, in example indicated no, or not know how it... ;:(

from selenium import webdriver  driver = webdriver.firefox()`enter code here` driver.get("http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=" + "guitar+lessons")  results = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//div[@class="yt-lockup-content"]')  print(len(results))  result in results:     video = result.find_element_by_xpath('.//h3/a')     title = video.get_attribute('title')     url = video.get_attribute('href')     print("{} ({})".format(title, url)) driver.quit() 


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