php - MySQL Stored Procedure Creation with Input and Output Parameters -
i testing stored procedure follows:
delimiter $$ create procedure `test1`(in `tab_name` varchar(40), in `value_of` varchar(40), out `the_id` int(1)) begin set @t1=concat(' begin if exists (select ',tab_name,'.id ',tab_name,' ',tab_name,'.',tab_name,' = ',value_of,') select id ',the_id,' ',tab_name,' ',tab_name,'.',tab_name,' = ',value_of,'; else insert ',tab_name,' values (null,',value_of,'); end if;'); prepare stmt3 @t1; execute stmt3; deallocate prepare stmt3; end $$ delimiter ;
trying select id, or insert. have single row in table, when try , use procedure is; doesn't return anything.
the identifier value want table name simplicities sake. have spent many hours , i'm @ loss.
have tried everything, thought adding null, work table has 2 values , had forgotten put in realise trying within first if clause... ie, entering data ensure first statement invoked
thanks help
still having trouble this. trying make simple possible now.
i have city table, 1 record in. structure = 'dublin'
value , table name same. follow select statement works when executed via phpmyadmin
begin set @t1= concat(" select id ",tab_name," ",tab_name," = '",value_of,"' "); prepare stmt3 @t1; execute stmt3; deallocate prepare stmt3; end
now need ensure if select statement doesn't return anything, insert value , return select statement.
this seems such simple problem, yet can't find solution anywhere
insert ignore
not because increments id regardless of inserting. there work around because use then.
insert ignore
... // without increment?
select ^
further update
my procedure looks (takes 2 varchar parameters) , working. doesn't increment id if value exists either fantastic.
begin set @t1= concat("insert ",tab_name,"(",tab_name,") select '",city_name,"' dual not exists (select 1 ",tab_name," ",tab_name," = '",city_name,"'); "); prepare stmt3 @t1; execute stmt3; deallocate prepare stmt3; end
all want simple select statement return id of row city name. eg select id tab_name tab_name = 'city_name';
but adding in causes error :( if has solution ridiculous problem
the statement wrote should not return results. both select , insert statements not return results.
it's stored procedure.
do select first, follow insert(s). select first output result set of procedure.
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