php - Symfony PDO Connection in Test Environment -

i have symfony environment running on docker setup. via docker-compose.yml (version 2) start several containers. following containers relevant here:

phpfpm, nginx , mariadb

if open symfony project via browser connects database (on container called "mariadb"). records tables in database displayed. if execute console commands update database schema work , changes applied database.

now want write functional / integration tests run test against second database on same host (mariadb).

this how try connect:

$dsn = sprintf(         'mysql:host=%s;port=%s',         'mariadb',         3306     );  $pdo = new pdoconnection(     $dsn,     'otk_dbuser',     'testpass' ); 

but result following message:

sqlstate[hy000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: name or service not known   /opt/project/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/doctrine/dbal/driver/pdoconnection.php:47   /opt/project/src/testingbundle/tests/databasetestcase.php:56   /opt/project/src/testingbundle/tests/databasetestcase.php:18 

could please give me help?

kind regards, max

forget asked. executed functional test within phpstorm. phpstorm uses therefore standalone docker container, has nothing todo docker-compose setup.

dumb me!


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