session - Why is onSessionStart() not run before onRequestStart()? -

assume following site architecture:

/application.cfc /index.cfm /sub/application.cfc /sub/index.cfm /login/index.cfm 

now, here's basic pseudo-code:


<cffunction name="onsessionstart" returntype="void" output="false">     <cfscript>         session.isloggedin = false;          return;     </cfscript> </cffunction>  <cffunction name="onrequeststart" returntype="boolean" output="false">     <cfargument name="targetpage" type="string" required="true">      <cfscript>         if  (session.isloggedin)             request.cart = {};     </cfscript>      <cfreturn true /> </cffunction> 


<cffunction name="onrequeststart" returntype="boolean" output="false">     <cfargument name="targetpage" type="string" required="true">      <cfscript>         super.onrequeststart(arguments.targetpage);     </cfscript>      <cfif not session.isloggedin>         <cflocation url="/login/" addtoken="false" />     </cfif>      <cfreturn true /> </cffunction> 

when request /sub/index.cfm, following exception: element isloggedin undefined in java object of type class [ljava.lang.string;.

on local development machine, have debugging information turned on, can see session initialized, @ least cookie standpoint, but, can see, session variables not initialized:

session variables: cfid=149415 cftoken=b7740eb6d2219f83-619ff01b-78ac-c0a4-1997ec503da43982 sessionid=prudential_2ua1130dbk_2_149415_b7740eb6d2219f83-619ff01b-78ac-c0a4-1997ec503da43982 urltoken=cfid=149415&cftoken=b7740eb6d2219f83-619ff01b-78ac-c0a4-1997ec503da43982 

i cannot understand why onrequeststart() being called before onsessionstart(). shouldn't onsessionstart() called first?


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