excel - VBA Open workbook with wildcard? -
i have .xlsx file in following directory:
g:\buying\food specials\2. planning\1. planning\1. planner\8. 2017\2017 planner.xlsx
i point directory directory change depending on year is.
so directory become:
g:\buying\food specials\2. planning\1. planning\1. planner\9. 2018\2018 planner.xlsx
to handle trying add wildcards path so:
g:\buying\food specials\2. planning\1. planning\1. planner\" & "*." & " " & year(date) & "\"
my workbook not open. please can show me going wrong?
'find planner if len(finddepotmemo) set wb2 = workbooks.open(finddepotmemo, readonly:=true, updatelinks:=false) end if
function finddepotmemo() string dim path string dim findfirstfile string path = "g:\buying\food specials\2. planning\1. planning\1. planner\" & "*." & " " & year(date) & "\" findfirstfile = dir$(path & "*.xlsx") while (findfirstfile <> "") if instr(findfirstfile, "planner") > 0 finddepotmemo = path & findfirstfile exit function end if findfirstfile = dir wend end function
there many ways but, use approach:
function finddepotmemo() string dim oldpath, temppath, newpath string dim findfirstfile string dim addint integer ' assuming have path ' use base path ' , increment number , year in oldpath = "g:\buying\food specials\2. planning\1. planning\1. planner\8. 2017" ' extract 8. 2017 oldpath temppath = mid(oldpath, instrrev(oldpath, "\") + 1) ' year difference addint = year(date) - cint(split(temppath, ".")(1)) ' add difference number , year ' , have current year folder newtemp = split(temppath, ".")(0) + addint & ". " & split(temppath, ".")(1) + addint findfirstfile = dir$(path & "\" & "*.xlsx") while (findfirstfile <> "") if instr(findfirstfile, "test") > 0 finddepotmemo = path & findfirstfile exit function end if findfirstfile = dir wend end function
as i've added comments understand doing.
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