javascript - How to create and bind a context menu with array of markers on the Google map? -
i working on treasure hunting project using jsp, postgres , tomcat. after logging in, should allow admin specify map location, add various objects (like treasure , npcs saved in database) map , able copy, paste , delete objects. login, , insert objects of various types, working want enable right-click context menu each marker give admin 3-4 options; copy, paste, delete, edit.
to achieve this, have found link useful source code context menu provided:
i created contextmenu.js file , copied above code , have following function in jsp file. please note i'm retrieving list of markers database json object , looping through create , place markers on map.
function drawmap(){ var markers = {}; var contextmenu; var contextmenuoptions={}; contextmenuoptions.classnames={menu:'context_menu', menuseparator:'context_menu_separator'}; // create array of contextmenuitem objects var menuitems=[]; menuitems.push({id: "copy", classname:'context_menu_item', eventname:'copy_click', label:'copy'}); menuitems.push({id: "paste", classname:'context_menu_item', eventname:'paste_click', label:'paste'}); menuitems.push({id: "delete", classname:'context_menu_item', eventname:'delete_click', label:'delete'}); contextmenuoptions.menuitems=menuitems; lat='43.56873147104461'; lng='-79.76628009520937'; map = new document.getelementbyid("map_container"), { center: new google.maps.latlng(lat,lng), zoom: 15, maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap }); json ='<%=request.getsession().getattribute("data")%>' json = json.parse(json); (i = 0; <= json.length; i++) { var lt,ln; lat = json[i].latstr; lng = json[i].lngstr; marker = new google.maps.marker({ position: new google.maps.latlng(lat, lng), map: map }); contextmenu = new contextmenu(map, contextmenuoptions); //stops @ point google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'rightclick',function(e) {; }); } //end loop google.maps.event.addlistener(contextmenu, 'menu_item_selected', function(object, latlng, eventname){ // latlng position of contextmenu // eventname eventname defined clicked contextmenuitem in contextmenuoptions switch(eventname){ case 'copy_click': copyobject(object); break; case 'paste_click': pasteobject(object, latlng); break; case 'delete_click': deleteobject(object); break; } }); } //end function drawmap();
i not sure problem is. when run program, displays first marker on map , right-click nothing , have tried alert("hi");
check problem. stops @
contextmenu = new contextmenu(map, contextmenuoptions);
i tried put alert inside contextmenu
function , stops @ second line
when comment out, goes beyond point, displays markers in loop right-click nothing. means;
not working. may have loop.
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