ios - UILocalNotification wrong fire date -

i have alarm run mon, sat & sun. pretty simple stuff. use code create uilocalnotification. since today sat testing see if alarm goes off today.

//user picks time date picker shows hours , mins nsdate *selecteddate = [datepicker date]; nscalendar *calendar = [nscalendar currentcalendar]; nsdatecomponents *selecdatecomp = [calendar components:(nshourcalendarunit | nsminutecalendarunit) fromdate:selecteddate];  nsinteger hour = [selecdatecomp hour]; nsinteger minute = [selecdatecomp minute];  //nslog(@"hour: %d ... minute: %d ...", hour, minute);   // set components fire time nsdate *now = [nsdate date]; nsdatecomponents *componentsforfiredate = [calendar components:nsyearcalendarunit|nsmonthcalendarunit|nsweekcalendarunit|nsweekdaycalendarunit|nshourcalendarunit|nsminutecalendarunit  fromdate:now];   [componentsforfiredate sethour:hour]; [componentsforfiredate setminute:minute] ;  //testing [componentsforfiredate setweekday:2]; //mon [componentsforfiredate setweekday:1]; //sun [componentsforfiredate setweekday:7]; //sat  nsdate *firedateofnotification = [calendar datefromcomponents: componentsforfiredate];  nslog(@"componentsforfiredate: %@ ... firedateofnotification: %@", componentsforfiredate, firedateofnotification);      //i use firedateofnotification date in uilocalnotification     uilocalnotification *notification = [[uilocalnotification alloc]  init] ;      notification.firedate = firedateofnotification ;     notification.timezone = [nstimezone localtimezone] ;     notification.alertbody = [nsstring stringwithformat: @"wake time!"] ;     notification.userinfo= [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:titlestr forkey:titlestr];      notification.repeatinterval = nsweekcalendarunit;      nsmutablestring *notifsoundstr = [nsmutablestring stringwithformat:@"%@ small.mp3", alarmsound];     notification.soundname=notifsoundstr;      [[uiapplication sharedapplication] schedulelocalnotification:notification] ; 

here's problem, if @ firedate last week. because of no notification run today though today sat.

componentsforfiredate: <nsdatecomponents: 0xc0f9080> calendar year: 2014 month: 5 leap month: no hour: 11 minute: 16 week (obsolete): 22 weekday: 8 ... firedateofnotification: 2014-05-25 15:16:00 +0000 

now here's crazy part, if remove sun notification , sat & mon, fire time works , notification happens today. what's happening here? lost

... [componentsforfiredate setweekday:2]; //mon [componentsforfiredate setweekday:7]; //sat  componentsforfiredate: <nsdatecomponents: 0xf8af890> calendar year: 2014 month: 5 leap month: no hour: 11 minute: 19 week (obsolete): 22 weekday: 7 ... firedateofnotification: 2014-05-31 15:19:00 +0000 

a couple of things doing this:

[componentsforfiredate setweekday:2]; //mon [componentsforfiredate setweekday:1]; //sun [componentsforfiredate setweekday:7]; //sat 

this not doing think it's doing. not setting 3 weekdays setting single value , changing twice. last thing set value gets used.

to set alarm 3 different days need create 3 different notifications.

to honest fact data in past has no bearing on problem because have set notification.repeatinterval = nsweekcalendarunit; therefore ignore first date , schedule next week.

for example if log out datecomponents get

<nsdatecomponents: 0x8d89c80>     calendar year: 2014     month: 5     leap month: no     hour: 16     minute: 41     week (obsolete): 22     weekday: 7 

but if print local notification shows correct date - week on

<uiconcretelocalnotification: 0x8f49580>{fire date = saturday, may 31, 2014 @ 4:41:00 pm british summer time, time zone = europe/london (gmt+1) offset 3600 (daylight), repeat interval = nsweekcalendarunit, repeat count = uilocalnotificationinfiniterepeatcount, next fire date = saturday, june 7, 2014 @ 4:41:00 pm british summer time, user info = (null)} 

the format using components deprecated ns<interval>calendarunit , should instead use nscalendarunit<interval> better form it's last part of identifier changes. allows autocomplete work type


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