r - Is it possible to to find the indexes of blacklisted dates in a sample vector of dates? -
i have tricky problem in r can't seem solve without resorting loop.
i start vector of timedates:
library(timedate) dates <- timedate(c("2014-01-01","2008-01-02","2008-01-03","2008-01-04"))
i find indexes of dates in preset blacklist:
dateblacklist <- timedate(c("2008-01-02","2008-01-03"))
the result like:
indexesofblacklisteddates <- c(2,3)
an ugly solution:
indexesofblacklisteddates <- which(timedate:::as.character.timedate(dates) %in% timedate:::as.character.timedate(dateblacklist))
another, not ugly, solution (similar @agstudy's answer)
which(as.character(dates) %in% as.character(dateblacklist))
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