plsql - PL/SQL return record in procedure -

i have procedure called "gps_coord". takes 2 parameter , must return record . don't know how can . in advance ;)

create or replace procedure gps_coord(v_x in float,                                       v_y in float, v_result out result_type) type result_type record(      v_km varchar2(50),      v_objid varchar2(50) );  v_out result_type; begin   select , p.objectid v_out  sde.points p        sde.st_intersects(p.shape,sde.st_buffer(sde.st_transform( sde.st_point(v_y,v_x,4326),32639) ,5000))=1;  dbms_output.put_line('km: ' || v_out.v_km || 'objid: ' || v_out.v_objid ); end; 

try this. hope helps.

    --object type creation create or replace type result_type   object   (     v_km    varchar2(50),     v_objid varchar2(50) );  --table type create or replace type result_tab   table of result_type;    --procedure creation , out collection create or replace procedure gps_coord(     v_x in float,     v_y in float,     v_result out result_tab)   v_out result_tab; begin   select result_type( , p.objectid) bulk collect   v_out   sde.points p   sde.st_intersects(p.shape,sde.st_buffer(sde.st_transform( sde.st_point(v_y,v_x,4326),32639) ,5000))=1;   in v_out.first..v_out.last   loop     dbms_output.put_line(v_out(i).v_km||' '||v_out(i).v_objid);   end loop; end; 


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