ios - UILabel is always nil -
i have following problem.
this code:
gtsearchviewcontroller* vc = [[gtsearchviewcontroller alloc] initwithnibname:@"gtsearchviewcontroller" bundle:nil]; vc.headlinelabel.text = [[self.categoriearray objectatindex:indexpath.row] valueforkey:@"categoryname"]; [appdelegate().centerviewcontroller pushviewcontroller:vc animated:yes];
as can see, try push new viewcontroller xib file , want set string in headlinelabel
array self.categoriearray
. when searchcontroller
gets pushed, works perfect, headlinelabel
i don't understand why, thought don´t need call "alloc-init" in searchcontroller
because build interface builder?
your problem changing ui before loaded.
you should set label's text in viewdidload of view controller (it called after view loaded).
make nsstring property in searchviewcontroller class , set right after initialization.
vc.headlinetext = [[self.categoriearray objectatindex:indexpath.row] valueforkey:@"categoryname"];
then in searchviewcontroller should override viewdidload method:
- (void) viewdidload{ [super viewdidload]; self.headlinelabel.text = self.headlinetext; }
p.s. of course assume you've set headlinelabel outlet correctly (from interface builder).
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