node.js - Trying to use grunt-sass and it can't find compass -
i trying write grunt script watch , compile sass files. have decided grunt-sass instead of usual grunt-contrib-sass because don't have worry installing ruby , gems on pc (plus faster).
i have got set watch files , compile sass, getting error:
warning: e:\svn\brand work files\tm/style/v4/sass/_core/base:1: error: file import not found or unreadable: "compass/reset"
i have installed ruby 1.93 , latest compass (1.0.0.alpha.19) through command line - how reference these compass files don't error anymore?
here gruntfile:
module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initconfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readjson('package.json'), watch: { files: ['./style/v4/sass/**/*.scss'], tasks: ['sass:uk'], options: { spawn: false, }, }, sass: { uk: { options: { outputstyle: 'compressed', sourcecomments: 'map' }, expand: true, cwd: './style/v4/sass/', src: ['*.scss'], dest: './style/v4/css/', ext: '.css' } } }); grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-sass'); grunt.registertask('default', ['watch']); };
yep, you're absolutely right. shame because grunt-sass absolutely flies when compared normal sass.
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