sqoop import error from teradata to hive -

i using below given sqoop command:

sqoop import      --libjars /usr/hdp/,/usr/hdp/      --connect jdbc:teradata://x/database=x      --connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.teradata.teradataconnmanager      --username ec      --password dc      --query "select *  hb yr_nbr=2017"     --hive-table schema.table      --num-mappers 1      --hive-import       --target-dir /user/hive/warehouse/gg 

i'm getting error:

org.apache.hadoop.security.usergroupinformation.doas(usergroupinformation.java:1657) @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.yarnchild.main(yarnchild.java:162)     17/04/06 11:15:41 info mapreduce.job:  map 100% reduce 0%     17/04/06 11:15:41 info mapreduce.job: task id : attempt_1491466460468_0029_m_000000_1, status : failed     error: org.apache.hadoop.fs.filealreadyexistsexception: /user/root/temp_111508/part-m-00000 client exists 

from error, can guess output file in target directory, may previous sqoop import. there option in sqoop import named --delete-target-dir delete target output directory , re-create them in next sqoop import. hope helps.


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