peoplecode - Peoplesoft rowset -

i'm new peoplesoft. need in understanding rowset , have requirement have 3 levels.

on level 1 have checkbox , when open component value of checkbox on level 1 should passed , display level 2 grid rows.

for example

level0 - record1 level1 - record2 (scroll area)

level2 - record3 (grid)

when access page should have values this

record2.field1 = y => row1 record3.field1 = y row2 record3.field1 = y

record2.field1 = n => row1 record3.field1 = n

i have written code @ level2 record.field rowinit peoplecode event. problem same record field used in level 0 well. there way can avoid using loop there n number of rows in grid might create performance issue during page opening.

thanks in advance,

rowinit fire each rows in scroll. if have loop in rowinit, loop execute each row.

if want check box set during component load, can add peoplecode in component postbuild.

&rslevel1 = getlevel0()(1).getrowset(scroll.level1); &ncnt1 = 1 &rslevel1.activerowcount    &rslevel2 = &rslevel1(&ncnt1).getrowset(scroll.level2);    &ncnt2 = 1 &rslevel2.activerowcount       &rslevel2(&ncnt2).level2.check_box.value = &rslevel1(&ncnt1).level1.check_box.value    end-for; end-for; 


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