python - pybbm error with -
i got error after installing pybbm
, running server
file "/users/nathann/code/ipals/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pybb/", line 4, in <module> django.conf.urls.defaults import * importerror: no module named defaults
and not sure since apart of pybb
, , not code.
this pip freeze
django==1.6.3 markdown==2.4 pillow==2.4.0 south==0.8.4 bbcode==1.0.16 behave==1.2.4 django-annoying==0.8.0 django-common==0.1.51 django-rosetta==0.7.4 enum34==1.0 parse==1.6.4 parse-type==0.3.4 polib==1.0.4 pybb==0.1.10 pytils==0.3 requests==2.2.1 six==1.6.1 wsgiref==0.1.2
this because using django 1.6.3. according django 1.4 changelog:
until django 1.3, functions include(), patterns() , url() plus handler404, handler500 located in django.conf.urls.defaults module.
in django 1.4, live in django.conf.urls.
in other words, need upgrade pybbm
latest version:
pip install --upgrade pybbm
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