Post undefined in the http mock unit testing in angular 2 -

i new angular2 , unit testing. writing unit testing component , mock service.

associate component.ts

onsubmit() {      if (this.form.valid) {          const data: associatepostform = {             associatetoken: (this.form.value.tokennumber).touppercase()         };          this.associatevehicleservice.vehicleassociate(data)         .subscribe(             success => {                 this.loginservice.vehicleattributes({'associatedtokens': [success.associationtoken]}).subscribe(                     result  => {                         sessionstorage.setitem('vehicleattributes', json.stringify(result));               'menushow', 'true'));                         this.router.navigate(['product-catalog']);                     },                     error => {                         console.log(error);                     }                 );             },             error => {                 console.log(error);             }         );     } } 

associate service.ts

vehicleassociate(data){     return + 'uservehicleassociation', data, {},  {         'accept': 'application/json',         'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'     }); } 


post(url, data, iparams = {}, iheaders = {}) {;         return this.http             .post(url, data, this.options(params, headers))             .map(this.transformresponse)             .catch(this.handleerror)             .finally(() => {                 this.loaderservice.hide();             });     } 


it('on submit of form', inject([associatevehicleservice, mockbackend],         (assocatevehicleservice, backend) => {             expect(component.form.valid).tobefalsy();             component.form.controls['tokennumber'].setvalue('1m8gdm9apra033333');             expect(component.form.valid).tobetruthy();             backend.connections.subscribe((connection: mockconnection) => {                 let options = new responseoptions({                     body: json.stringify({associatetoken: '1m8gdm9akp042755'})                 });                 connection.mockrespond(new response(options));             });              component.onsubmit();             assocatevehicleservice.vehicleassociate({associatetoken: '1m8gdm9apra011111'})             .subscribe((respone) => {                 expect(respone.json()).toequal({associatetoken: '1m8gdm9akp042755'});             });     })); 

and error has cannot read property 'post' of undefined insight highly appreciated.

thanks in advance.


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