javascript - ChartJS: horizontalBar Label Error -

i'm error on horizontalbar chart. when mouse hover on bar, should show me label name , value of bar. in chart shows label , label, without value.

here pic: should show me : "top 10 clientes , 2400 below"

this totally static code, here is:

    var gerargraficodebarrashorizontal = function (name, labels, components){      var mychart = new chart(name, {         type: 'horizontalbar',         data: {             labels: labels,             datasets: components         },         options: optionssemlegenda     }); }  // object clarify chart creation var barrashorizontal = [{     data: [2500, 5000],     backgroundcolor: ['rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)'],     bordercolor: ['rgba(255,99,132,1)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)'],     borderwidth: 1 }];  // create chart gerargraficodebarrashorizontal('topdezclientesxfaturamentototal', ["top 10  clientes", "faturamento total"], barrashorizontal); 

thanks lot!!

@edit #1

var optionssemlegenda = new object(); optionssemlegenda = {     scales: {         yaxes: [{             ticks: {                 beginatzero: true             }         }],         xaxes: [{             ticks: {                 beginatzero: true             }         }]     },     legend: {         display: false     },     tooltips: {         callbacks: {             label: function (tooltipitem) {                 return tooltipitem.ylabel;             }         }     } } 


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