ios - UICollectionView with ContentInset is not Scrolling all the Way Down -

i setting content inset of uicollectionview:

[_collectionview setcontentinset:uiedgeinsetsmake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 0.f)]; 

then scrolling programmatically way bottom of uicollectionview method:

- (void)scrolltolastmessageanimated:(bool)animated; {     if (_messages.count == 0) { return; }      nsuinteger indexoflastsection = _messagesbysections.count - 1;     nsinteger indexofmessageinlastsection = [_messagesbysections[indexoflastsection] count] - 1;     nsindexpath *path = [nsindexpath indexpathforitem:indexofmessageinlastsection                                             insection:indexoflastsection];      [_collectionview scrolltoitematindexpath:path                            atscrollposition:uicollectionviewscrollpositioncenteredvertically                                    animated:animated]; } 

it scrolling down, ignoring contentinset, meaning last cells below specified content inset:

enter image description here left image, shows how appear after view did appear. in right image, manually scrolled further down last message.

i using autolayout, ideas why happens?


here screenshot of ib setup: enter image description here

today, chance discovered solution!

select view controller , uncheck option "adjust scroll view insets".

enter image description here

with option unchecked, ios not automatically adjust insets of view (and subviews), caused problems me ... uncheck , configure scroll insets programmatically:

- (void)configureinsetsofcollectionview {     [_collectionview setcontentinset: uiedgeinsetsmake(self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.bounds.size.height + [uiapplication sharedapplication].statusbarframe.size.height + default_spacing, 0.f, _keyboardheight + _toolbar.bounds.size.height + default_spacing, 0.f)];     [_collectionview setscrollindicatorinsets:uiedgeinsetsmake(self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.bounds.size.height + [uiapplication sharedapplication].statusbarframe.size.height, 0.f, _keyboardheight + _toolbar.bounds.size.height, 0.f)]; } 


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