android - corona simulator doesn't show full image -
i'm creating simple game using corona.
first thing i'm trying load background image; got that, corona simulator show small part of image @ top left side , rest of image stay black if used scaling mode , i'm sure image size.
then added 3 parameter display.newimage
method got better situation still have black bar on left.
my config.lua
application = { content = { fps = 60, width = 320, height = 480, scale = "zoomeven", -- xalign = "center", --yalign = "center", imagesuffix = { ["@2x"] = 2; }, }, }
and main.lua
local background = display.newimage("images/clouds.png");
first result on devices
then made got better result make small edit main.lua
local background = display.newimage("images/clouds.png",230,150, true);
and second result
you must modify anchor property, property allows control alignment of object along x or y direction. default, new objects have anchor set 0.5 corresponds center alignment. setting 0 meaning left edge of object.
local background = display.newimage("images/clouds.png"); background.anchorx = 0 background.anchory = 0
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