c# - How do I nest async statements were the execution of the nested statement is dependant on the result of the first? -
i'm trying build asynchronous method read record or create if no matches found.
i using async api provided sqlite.net.
this far have got think i'm struggling concepts, existingopponent null insert executed.
public async task<testentity> createorget(string name, cancellationtoken cancellationtoken = default(cancellationtoken)) { var existingentity = await database.getconnection(cancellationtoken) .table<testentity>() .where(o => o.name == name) .firstordefaultasync(); if (existingentity == null) { var newentity = new testentity() { name = name }; var rowcount = await database.getconnection(cancellationtoken) .insertasync(newentity); return newentity; } return existingentity; }
is able point me in right direction?
was query problem rather async problem.
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