m3u8 - Cannot playback HLS Live playlist correctly -

i've got m3u8 playlist being updated new .ts segments written live streaming. however, playing seems not work correctly. play video of m3u8 playlist 15-20 seconds stop , show loading indicator.

both .ts files , .m3u8 playlist uploaded , updated on s3.

here's playlist:

#extm3u #ext-x-version:3 #ext-x-targetduration:8 #ext-x-media-sequence:20 #extinf:4.800000, live20.ts #extinf:4.800000, live21.ts #extinf:4.800000, live22.ts #extinf:4.800000, live23.ts #extinf:7.200000, live24.ts #extinf:4.800000, live25.ts #extinf:4.800000, live26.ts #extinf:4.800000, live27.ts #extinf:4.800000, live28.ts #extinf:4.800000, live29.ts 

anyone know issue here?


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