c# - Starting a specific Firefox Profile with Selenium 3 -

i trying upgrade selenium 2 selenium 3 old handling, pretty easy , fast doesn't work anymore (and documentation nonexisting seems)

this program @ moment , want open firefox driver profile: selenium

sadly doesn't work , shuts down error:

an unhandled exception of type 'system.invalidoperationexception' occurred in webdriver.dll  additional information: corrupt deflate stream 

this program @ moment:

    public program()     {         firefoxoptions _options = new firefoxoptions();         firefoxprofilemanager _profileini = new firefoxprofilemanager();         firefoxdriverservice _service = firefoxdriverservice.createdefaultservice(@"c:\programme\imat\output\release\bin");         _service.firefoxbinarypath = @"c:\program files (x86)\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe";         try         {             if ((_options.profile = _profileini.getprofile("selenium")) == null)             {                 console.writeline("selenium profile not found");                 _profile.setpreference("network.proxy.type", 0); // disable proxy                 _profile = new firefoxprofile();             }         }         catch         {             throw new exception("firefox needs profile \"selenium\"");         }         iwebdriver driver = new firefoxdriver(_service,_options,new system.timespan(0,0,30));                 driver.navigate().gotourl("ld-hybrid.fronius.com");         console.write("rtest");     }      static void main(string[] args)     {         new program();     } 

without loading profile works new firefoxdriver(_service) profile mandatory.

in selenium 2 handled code:

firefoxprofilemanager _profileini = new firefoxprofilemanager();         // use custom temporary profile          try { if ((_profile = _profileini.getprofile("selenium")) == null)             {                 console.writeline("selenium profile not found");                 _profile.setpreference("network.proxy.type", 0); // disable proxy                 _profile = new firefoxprofile();             }         }         catch         {             throw new exception("firefox needs profile \"selenium\"");         }          _profile.setpreference("intl.accept_languages", _languageconfig);          _driver = new firefoxdriver(_profile); 

fast , simple, driver doesn't support constructor service , profile don't know how work, appreciated

this exception due bug in .net library. code generating zip of profile failing provide proper zip.

one way overcome issue overload firefoxoptions , use archiver .net framework (system.io.compression.ziparchive) instead of faulty zipstorer:

var options = new firefoxoptionsex(); options.profile = @"c:\users\...\appdata\roaming\mozilla\firefox\profiles\ez3krw80.selenium"; options.setpreference("network.proxy.type", 0);  var service = firefoxdriverservice.createdefaultservice(@"c:\downloads", "geckodriver.exe");  var driver = new firefoxdriver(service, options, timespan.fromminutes(1)); 
class firefoxoptionsex : firefoxoptions {      public new string profile { get; set; }      public override icapabilities tocapabilities() {          var capabilities = (desiredcapabilities)base.tocapabilities();         var options = (idictionary)capabilities.getcapability("moz:firefoxoptions");         var mstream = new memorystream();          using (var archive = new ziparchive(mstream, ziparchivemode.create, true)) {             foreach (string file in directory.enumeratefiles(profile, "*", searchoption.alldirectories)) {                 string name = file.substring(profile.length + 1).replace('\\', '/');                 if (name != "parent.lock") {                     using (stream src = file.openread(file), dest = archive.createentry(name).open())                         src.copyto(dest);                 }             }         }          options["profile"] = convert.tobase64string(mstream.getbuffer(), 0, (int)mstream.length);          return capabilities;     }  } 

and directory profile name:

var manager = new firefoxprofilemanager(); var profiles = (dictionary<string, string>)manager.gettype()     .getfield("profiles", bindingflags.instance | bindingflags.nonpublic)     .getvalue(manager);  string directory; if (profiles.trygetvalue("selenium", out directory))     options.profile = directory; 


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