objective c - Split string by particular character ,iOS -
this question has answer here:
- nsstring tokenize in objective-c 9 answers
i have string structured in way:
what's best method obtain 3 distinct strings through position of sharps?
nsstring *str=@"description#data#img"; //is str nsarray *items = [str componentsseparatedbystring:@"#"]; //take 1 array split string nsstring *str1=[items objectatindex:0]; //shows description nsstring *str2=[items objectatindex:1]; //shows data nsstring *str3=[items objectatindex:2]; // shows img nslog(@"your 3 stirs ==%@ %@ %@", str1, str2, str3);
//is str var str: string = "description#data#img" let items = string.components(separatedby: "#") //take 1 array split string var str1: string = items.objectatindex(0) //shows description var str2: string = items.objectatindex(1) //shows data var str3: string = items.objectatindex(2) // shows img
let items = str.characters.split("#") var str1: string = string(items.first!) var str1: string = string(items.last!)
option 3
// example string separated commas. let line = "apple,peach,kiwi" // use components() split string. // ... split on comma chars. let parts = line.components(separatedby: ",") // result has 3 strings. print(parts.count) print(parts)
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