javascript - HttpContext.Current.Response.End() skip the execution -

i exporting gridview excel sheet through javascript using webmethod. since rows in gridview contains template controls label,anchor,etc., created @ runtime through javascript not @ design, use pass rows array web method. export have created table , map array returned javascript function. problem while debugging, execution skipped on httpcontext.current.response.end , couldn't export grid. don't know why happening. below code of web method

<webmethod(enablesession:=true, transactionoption:=enterpriseservices.transactionoption.requiresnew)> _ <scriptmethod(responseformat:=responseformat.xml, usehttpget:=true)> _ public shared sub xlexport(byval filename string, byval row object()())     httpcontext.current.response.clear()     httpcontext.current.response.addheader("content-disposition", string.format("attachment; filename={0}", filename))     httpcontext.current.response.contenttype = "application/"     dim sw stringwriter = new stringwriter     dim htw htmltextwriter = new htmltextwriter(sw)     dim table table = new table     table.gridlines = gridlines.both     integer = 0 row.length - 1         dim dr new tablerow         j integer = 0 row(i).length - 1             dim dc new tablecell             dim lt new literalcontrol             lt.text = row(i)(j)             dc.controls.add(lt)             dr.cells.add(dc)         next         table.rows.add(dr)     next     table.rendercontrol(htw)     httpcontext.current.response.write(sw.tostring)     httpcontext.current.response.end() end sub 

i tried in own. stored rows in hidden field. , on server side converted them array table. use above code normal function not webmethod

sub download_click()     dim str_arr object()     dim str_arr1 object()     str_arr = hdn_gvcheck.value.split(",")     str_arr1 = hdn_headerdiv.value.split(",")     dim len integer = (str_arr.length - 2) / 36     dim twodarr object()() = new object(len - 1)() {}     len = (str_arr1.length - 2) / 36     dim headarr object()() = new object(len - 1)() {}     dim ind integer = 0     dim start integer = 1     dim fnsh integer = 36     headarr(ind) = new object(35) {} l1:     twodarr(ind) = new object(35) {}      dim col integer = 0     integer = start fnsh         twodarr(ind)(col) = str_arr(i)         if ind = 0             headarr(ind)(col) = str_arr1(i)         end if          col += 1     next     if ind < 7         ind += 1         start = fnsh + 1         fnsh = start + 35         goto l1     end if     doexport("position.xls", twodarr, headarr, gvcheck) end sub  sub doexport(byval filename string, byval row object()(), byval head object()(), byval gv gridview)     httpcontext.current.response.clear()     httpcontext.current.response.buffer = true     httpcontext.current.response.addheader("content-disposition", string.format("attachment; filename={0}", filename))     httpcontext.current.response.contenttype = "application/"     httpcontext.current.response.charset = ""     dim table table = new table     table.gridlines = gv.gridlines 'gridlines.both     'for integer = 0 head.length - 1     dim hdr new tablerow     j integer = 0 head(0).length - 1         dim dc new tablecell"font-weight") = "bold"         dim lt new literalcontrol(head(0)(j))         'lt.text = row(i)(j)         dc.controls.add(lt)         hdr.cells.add(dc)     next     table.rows.add(hdr)     'next     integer = 0 row.length - 1         dim dr new tablerow         j integer = 0 row(i).length - 1             dim dc new tablecell             dim lt new literalcontrol(row(i)(j))             'lt.text = row(i)(j)             dc.controls.add(lt)             dr.cells.add(dc)         next         table.rows.add(dr)     next     dim sw stringwriter = new stringwriter     dim htw htmltextwriter = new htmltextwriter(sw)     table.rendercontrol(htw)     httpcontext.current.response.write(sw.tostring) 'sw.tostring     httpcontext.current.response.end() end sub 


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