Devexpress End user Report Designer: Datasource binding is null when retrieve report from database -

i creating reporting server using mvc web api. retrieving data web api retriving report using xrdesignform object of devexpress. posting report data web api. issue facing is, , if use xtrareport obejct , bind datasource manually work fine.i.e.

            xtrareport report = new xtrareport();             report.datasource = setupsummary.filldataset();              report.datamember = ((dataset)report.datasource).tables[0].tablename;             designform.openreport(report);              //;               designform.showdialog(this); 

i can mainuplate report , can save database,

but shown in articles reportstorage, if retrieve report database using report name server, datasource null.i.e.

      xrdesignform designform = new xrdesignform();          string url = getselectedurl();         if (!string.isnullorempty(url))              designform.openreport(url);         designform.showdialog(this); 

it seems when saving dynamic report database (as binary), loss data source bindings. please me this. thanks

aqdas, thank much.

there similar error in report layout,

my solution is, after layout again set datasource

xtrareport rep = null;  rep = new rptreqvac();  stream layoutstream = null;  layoutstream = mgetloyoutstream(id);  rep.loadlayout(layoutstream);  rep.datasource = new dsreqprintvac();  reportdesigner.openreport(rep); 

hope :-)


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