javascript - Supersized Slider on change event -
i bought template themeforest. using supersized slider. want handle it's change event. couldn't find documentation this.
here link :
and how call :
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/global/plugins/supersized.3.1.3.min.js"></script>
here implementation :
var slidersettings = function () { "use strict"; $.supersized({ //functionality slideshow : 1, //slideshow on/off autoplay : 1, //slideshow starts playing automatically start_slide : 1, //start slide (0 random) random : 0, //randomize slide order (ignores start slide) slide_interval : 10000, //length between transitions transition : 1, //0-none, 1-fade, 2-slide top, 3-slide right, 4-slide bottom, 5-slide left, 6-carousel right, 7-carousel left transition_speed : 500, //speed of transition new_window : 1, //image links open in new window/tab pause_hover : 0, //pause slideshow on hover keyboard_nav : 0, //keyboard navigation on/off performance : 1, //0-normal, 1-hybrid speed/quality, 2-optimizes image quality, 3-optimizes transition speed // (only works firefox/ie, not webkit) image_protect : 1, //disables image dragging , right click javascript //size & position min_width : 0, //min width allowed (in pixels) min_height : 0, //min height allowed (in pixels) vertical_center : 1, //vertically center background horizontal_center : 1, //horizontally center background fit_portrait : 1, //portrait images not exceed browser height fit_landscape : 0, //landscape images not exceed browser width //components navigation : 1, //slideshow controls on/off thumbnail_navigation : 1, //thumbnail navigation slide_counter : 1, //display slide numbers slide_captions : 1, //slide caption (pull "title" in slides array) slides : slidesobj //slideshow images }); };
how can know, when slide change ?
did take on beforeslide
& afteranimation
events ?
i think supported since 3.1.3
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