sql - adding 'next' link to web application -

i have been able limit number of data send application need setting application show fetch next button.

data retrieval code - using show 2 rows because have small amount of data in test database

 <webmethod(description:="retrieve members of client list"), soapheader("messagesoapheader", direction:=soapheaderdirection.in)> _ public function getclientlistmembers() dataset     dim rs sqldatareader      rs = objapp.connectuser(messagesoapheader.uid, messagesoapheader.pwd, messagesoapheader.campaign, messagesoapheader.keyword, localcommon.apsoapadvanced)     rs.close()     if objapp.classerrorscount > 0         objapp.db.close()         dim nx new exception         llib.throwsoapexception(objapp.errors(1).number, nx, objapp.db, objapp.errors(1).errortype, objapp.errors(1).description)         getclientlistmembers = new dataset         exit function     end if     llib.functioncount(objapp, "getclientlistmembers") 'this must placed after close of rs      getclientlistmembers = llib.getdataset("select cellnumber,carrier,keyword, dbo.fn_toutc(actualoptindate) actualoptindate optins shortcode='" & objapp.shortcode & "' , keyword='" & objapp.keyword & "' , optinstate=2 order cellnumber asc offset 2 rows fetch next 2 rows only", objapp)     getclientlistmembers.tables(0).tablename = "cell numbers"     llib.recordrowtransfer(getclientlistmembers.tables(0).rows.count, llib.rowtransferdirection.toclient, objapp)     'now email stuff     llib.adddatatable(getclientlistmembers, "email addresses", "select emailaddress,keyword, dbo.fn_toutc(actualoptindate) actualoptindate emailoptins shortcode='" & objapp.shortcode & "' , keyword='" & objapp.keyword & "' , optinstate=2 order emailaddress", objapp)      if getclientlistmembers.tables.count > 1 llib.recordrowtransfer(getclientlistmembers.tables(1).rows.count, llib.rowtransferdirection.toclient, objapp)      objapp.db.close() end function 

the user view (where need add 'next' link is

  private sub displayds(byref thisds dataset, byval tblnumber integer)     dim integer     me.txtdisplay.text = thisds.tostring     me.combodstables.items.clear()     = 0 thisds.tables.count - 1         me.combodstables.items.add(i.tostring & "_" & thisds.tables(i).tablename)     next     me.combodstables.selectedindex = tblnumber     me.lblnumberoftables.text = thisds.tables.count     dim mybindingsource bindingsource = new bindingsource     mybindingsource.datasource = thisds.tables(tblnumber)     me.advdatagrid.datasource = mybindingsource end sub 

the 'click' or button code is

    'private sub cmddeleteslmembersdifferential_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles cmddeleteslmembersdifferential.click '    dim xmlnoderesult xml.xmlnode '    loadheader() '    try '        xmlnoderesult = advserver.deletesendlistmembersdifferential(me.txtlistname.text, testdb()) '    catch soapex exception '        msgbox(soapex.message) '        exit sub '    end try '    me.txtdisplay.text = xmlnoderesult.outerxml 'end sub  private sub cmdsendtolist_click(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles cmdsendtolist.click     dim xmlnoderesult xml.xmlnode, thistime date     loadheader()     if me.chkdelay.checked         if isdate(me.txtdelaytime.text)             thistime = cdate(me.txtdelaytime.text)             thistime = thistime.touniversaltime 'input in local time.         else             msgbox("delay set delay time not date")             exit sub         end if     else         thistime = now()     end if     try         xmlnoderesult = advserver.sendtosendlist(me.txtlistname.text, me.txtmsg.text, me.chkdelay.checked, thistime)     catch soapex exception         msgbox(soapex.message)         exit sub     end try     me.txtdisplay.text = xmlnoderesult.outerxml end sub 

any appreciated - have been working on week , escaping me!

thank you!


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