C# Process.Start() Not Starting Console Application -
i'm trying c# console application execute different c# program using ps3 eyes. there various key.x commands execute strings of code, , i'm having trouble 1 particular bit--the process.start() method.
//take snapshot left camera , save current directory "snapshot.png" case key.z: int left = camleft.device.lenscorrection1; camleft.device.lenscorrection1 = 0; thread.sleep(150); bitmapsource bmpsource = camleft.device.bitmapsource bitmapsource; memorystream ms = new memorystream(); bitmapencoder encoder = new pngbitmapencoder(); encoder.frames.add(bitmapframe.create(bmpsource)); encoder.save(ms); ms.seek(0, seekorigin.begin); system.drawing.bitmap bitmap = new system.drawing.bitmap(ms); string filepath = environment.currentdirectory; string filename = system.io.path.combine(filepath, @"snapshot.png"); bitmap.save(filename, imageformat.png); bitmap.dispose(); camleft.device.lenscorrection1 = left; //start other c# program automatically uploads image specified url process.start("explicit file path here");
the snapshot code works; takes picture it's supposed to, process.start
not seem execute other console application created upload image url. code tested , proven work, can post here if necessary. ideas?
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