javascript - Angular directives - How to use JQuery to add ngModel and ngBind to custom directive elements? -

trying achieve implement custom angular directives encapsulate js needed them work.
directives unaware of displaying , store input value coming user. these information come attributes of directive.
directives use parent scope , won't create own one.

[problem] since directive not know in $scope map ng-model , ng-bind, approach read directive's properties, identify ng-model , ng-bing attributes shall , set them corresponding elements. not working.
believe due lack of knowledge, asking here - if approach ok?; possible set ngmodel , ngbind in manner?; doing wrong?.

[my directive's code]

var directives = angular.module('test.directives', []);  directives.directive("labeledinput", function() { return {     restrict: 'e',     scope: false,     template: "<div>" +                 "<span class='label'></span>" +                 "<input class='input' type='text'></input>" +               "</div>",      link: function(scope, element) {         var elementidentifier = angular.element(element[0]).attr("idntfr");         var elementclass = angular.element(element[0]).attr("element-class");         var scopevaluename = angular.element(element[0]).attr("value-name");         var defaultvalue = angular.element(element[0]).attr("default-value");         var elementlabel = angular.element(element[0]).attr("label");          scope[scopevaluename] = defaultvalue;         scope[elementidentifier] = elementlabel;          $(angular.element(element[0]).children()[0]).attr('id', elementidentifier);         $(angular.element(element[0]).children()[0]).addclass(elementclass);         $(angular.element(element[0]).children().children()[1]).attr('ng-model', scopevaluename);         $(angular.element(element[0]).children().children()[0]).attr('ng-bind', elementidentifier);     } }; }); 

[result] result see in html page ng-model , ng-bind binded @ right location, have scope[scopevaluename] , scope[elementidentifier] in scope batarang provides, don't see them on screen values.

have ever solved similar issue?

thanks time!

[edit] sorry seems question wasn't understood add details!

here example html usage of directive:

<labeled-input     idntfr='id001'     element-class='someclass'     value-name='person_name'     default-value='default'     label='person name:' > </labeled-input>  

what have in browser after angular parse directive , it's jo is:

<div id="effect_dt" class="someclass">     <span class="label" ng-bind="id001"></span>     <input class="input" type="text" ng-model="person_name"> </div> 

what have in controller scope - $scope.id001 = "person name:" , $scope.person_name = default. these values not shown on page @ all.

if understood correctly want make like:

<labeledinput>model-name and/or field name</labeledinput> 

and convert like:

<div>     <span class='label' ng-bind="mode-name.field-name"></span>     <input class='input' type='text'></input> </div> 

you have read bit more angular compilation in directives, anyways:

  • to access directive original content, attributes or inner content need use transclude

  • to access template content (eg. in case lets 'span' element) have call telement argument in compile method, cause hold html template

here fine examples: angularjs: transclude directive template

all operations adding ng-model attribute-directive etc. should add before directive compilation, have use compilation block (in place of 'link()' block):

.compile = function compile(telement, tattrs) {     //here add code eg append ng-model attribute etc.     return {     pre: function prelink(scope, ielement, iattrs) {},         post: function postlink(scope, ielement, iattrs) {}     } } 

and last part - controller scope, easiest way add controller in template, wont loose scope.


after reading updated question ill give shot :p

app.directive('labeledinput', function($compile) {    var directive = {};   directive.transclude = true;   directive.restrict =  'e';   directive.template =  "<div>" +                 "<span class='label' ></span><br/>" +                 "<input class='input' type='text' ></input>" +               "</div>";    directive.compile =  function(celem, cattrs) {     var scope=angular.element(celem).scope();      console.log(scope);      var elementidentifier = angular.element(celem[0]).attr("idntfr");     var elementclass = angular.element(celem[0]).attr("element-class");     var scopevaluename = angular.element(celem[0]).attr("value-name");     var defaultvalue = angular.element(celem[0]).attr("default-value");     var elementlabel = angular.element(celem[0]).attr("label");       $(celem[0]).find("div").attr('id', elementidentifier).addclass(elementclass);       $(celem[0]).find("div span").attr('ng-bind', scopevaluename);      $(celem[0]).find("div input").attr('ng-model', elementidentifier);      return {             pre: function prelink(scope, ielement, iattrs) {             scope[scopevaluename] = defaultvalue;       scope[elementidentifier] = elementlabel;              }      };     };    return directive; });


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