JavaFX editable ComboBox in a table view -
i using editable combobox cell in table view. here combobox cell class
public class comboboxcell extends tablecell<classesproperty, string> { private combobox<string> combobox; public comboboxcell() { } @override public void startedit() { super.startedit(); if (combobox == null) { createcombobox(); } setgraphic(combobox); setcontentdisplay(contentdisplay.graphic_only); platform.runlater(new runnable() { @override public void run() { combobox.requestfocus(); combobox.geteditor().requestfocus(); combobox.geteditor().selectall(); } }); } @override public void canceledit() { super.canceledit(); settext(string.valueof(getitem())); setcontentdisplay(contentdisplay.text_only); } public void updateitem(string item, boolean empty) { super.updateitem(item, empty); if (empty) { settext(null); setgraphic(null); } else { if (isediting()) { if (combobox != null) { combobox.setvalue(getstring()); } setgraphic(combobox); setcontentdisplay(contentdisplay.graphic_only); } else { settext(getstring()); setcontentdisplay(contentdisplay.text_only); } } } private void createcombobox() { // classescontroller.getlevelchoice() observable list of string combobox = new combobox<>(classescontroller.getlevelchoice()); combobox.seteditable(true); combobox.setminwidth(this.getwidth() - this.getgraphictextgap()*2); combobox.setonkeypressed(new eventhandler<keyevent>() { @override public void handle(keyevent t) { if (t.getcode() == keycode.enter) { commitedit(combobox.getselectionmodel().getselecteditem()); } else if (t.getcode() == keycode.escape) { canceledit(); } } }); } private string getstring() { return getitem() == null ? "" : getitem().tostring(); } }
the problem need press 3 clicks on table cell text field of combo box edit contents. there way make in 2 clicks? used platforn runlater when try edit cell @ first time takes 3 mouse clicks @ second time 2 clicks.
in overridden cell.startedit() method, add listview textfield, add listview setgraphic. show listview directly once row selected , cell clicked, listview inside tablecell, yet find way make popup
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