Displaying dynamic images based on an Int value (for showing player's score on main menu) – JAVA/XML/Android/Eclipse -

disclaimer: i’m extremely new java/xml, please bear me. i’m using replica island source if there’s easier/newer way of doing this, please let me know.

objective: display player’s score on main menu screen using .png numbers instead of text. why? because .png numbers more flashy/stylized standard text.

currently: i’m capturing , displaying player’s score via int variable that’s saved , loaded in sharedpreferences. i’m displaying text via following:

current xml:

<textview android:id="@+id/text"   android:layout_width="wrap_content"  android:layout_height="wrap_content"  android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" android:paddingtop="10dp" android:textsize="24sp" android:textcolor= "#ff0000" android:background="#99000000"  /> 

current mainmenuactivity class:

int mhighscorecoin =      prefs.getint(preferenceconstants.preference_coins_collected, 0); textview text = (textview) findviewbyid(r.id.text); text.settext("current high score: " + mhighscorecoin); 

this works fine, don’t want basic text on main menu. during actual gameplay, i’m using following method convert int score, array calls .png numbers (0-9) display them in game:

public int inttodigitarray(int value, int[] digits) {     int charactercount = 1;      if (value >= 1000) {charactercount = 4;}      else if (value >= 100) {charactercount = 3;}      else if (value >= 10) {charactercount = 2;}      int remainingvalue = value;     int count = 0;      {         int index = remainingvalue != 0 ? remainingvalue % 10 : 0;         remainingvalue /= 10;         digits[charactercount - 1 - count] = index;         count++;         }      while (remainingvalue > 0 && count < digits.length);                  if (count < digits.length) {digits[count] = -1;}                    return charactercount;     } 

question: how can display high score in xml/mainmenuactivity class, using .png version of numbers instead of text i’m using?

the start of feeble attempt:

… mdrawscore = findviewbyid(r.id.drawscore); … if(mdrawscore !=null){     hudsystem hud = new hudsystem();     int[] mcoindigitsformenu;     mcoindigitsformenu = new int[4];     hud.inttodigitarray(mhighscorecoin, mcoindigitsformenu); } 

note: question may unanswerable information provided. again, i’m extremely new java , in on head. example, need pulling ton more stuff “hudsystem” finish creating array of images?

any details or general thoughts appreciated.

wwwhhhhelp, after hours , hours of reading (thanks stack overflow!) , trial , error, i've answered own question.

is cleanest, effective approach? highly unlikely (again, have no idea wtf i'm doing, lol). regardless, works, :). tweaked further here's general concept.


<linearlayout     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="70dp"      android:orientation="horizontal"     android:gravity="bottom|center_horizontal"     android:id="@+id/mainsectionmenu"     >     <imageview          android:id="@+id/drawscore"         android:layout_width="70dp"          android:layout_height="70dp"          android:orientation="horizontal"         android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"         android:paddingtop="5dp"         android:layout_marginright="-9dp"         android:clickable="false" />      <imageview          android:id="@+id/drawscore2"         android:layout_width="70dp"          android:layout_height="70dp"         android:orientation="horizontal"          android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"         android:paddingtop="5dp"         android:layout_marginleft="-9dp"         android:layout_marginright="-9dp"         android:clickable="false" />      <imageview          android:id="@+id/drawscore3"         android:layout_width="70dp"          android:layout_height="70dp"         android:orientation="horizontal"          android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal"         android:paddingtop="5dp"         android:layout_marginleft="-9dp"         android:clickable="false" />          </linearlayout>      


after pulling players mhighscorecoin sharedpreferences (oncreate , onresume), run following:

    if(mhighscorecoin >99){         int hundsdigit = mhighscorecoin/100;         imageview imageviewhunds = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.drawscore);         int hunds = hundsdigit;         string.valueof(hunds);         int residhunds = getresources().getidentifier("ui_" + string.valueof(hunds), "drawable", getpackagename());         imageviewhunds.setimagedrawable(getresources().getdrawable(residhunds));          int tensdigit = ((mhighscorecoin / 10)%10);         imageview imageviewtens = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.drawscore2);         int tens = tensdigit;         string.valueof(tens);         int residtens = getresources().getidentifier("ui_" + string.valueof(tens), "drawable", getpackagename());         imageviewtens.setimagedrawable(getresources().getdrawable(residtens));          int onesdigit = (mhighscorecoin % 10);         imageview imageviewones = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.drawscore3);         int ones = onesdigit;         string.valueof(ones);         int residones = getresources().getidentifier("ui_" + string.valueof(ones), "drawable", getpackagename());         imageviewones.setimagedrawable(getresources().getdrawable(residones));      }     else if(mhighscorecoin > 9)     {         int tensdigit = mhighscorecoin/10;         imageview imageviewtens = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.drawscore);         int tens = tensdigit;         string.valueof(tens);         int residtens = getresources().getidentifier("ui_" + string.valueof(tens), "drawable", getpackagename());         imageviewtens.setimagedrawable(getresources().getdrawable(residtens));          int onesdigit = (mhighscorecoin % 10);         imageview imageviewones = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.drawscore2);         int ones = onesdigit;         string.valueof(ones);         int residones = getresources().getidentifier("ui_" + string.valueof(ones), "drawable", getpackagename());         imageviewones.setimagedrawable(getresources().getdrawable(residones));      }     else {         imageview imageviewones = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.drawscore2);         int ones = mhighscorecoin;         string.valueof(ones);         int residones = getresources().getidentifier("ui_" + string.valueof(ones), "drawable", getpackagename());         imageviewones.setimagedrawable(getresources().getdrawable(residones));     } 


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