How to get Mac OSX Finder to preview programming text files that don't have .txt or .text extension? -
programming involves lots of text file usage. want see did somewhere else in other program, without loading whole program current ide of choice.
if copy text file fred.cpp
, can view contents of file finder's preview. don't want have copy or rename development files.
in 2003 (!) post on macoshints, there instruction this
find . -name *.xml -exec setfile -t text {} ;
(in case, *.xml files), didn't work me due issues exec
command. in case, surely there's better way gui?
either way though: command-line or gui solution great, thanks!
there textmate quicklook plugin works textmate running.
pro: syntax highlighting
contra: (non-free) textmate running
alternatively: qlstephen
qlstephen apple osx quicklook plugin lets view plain text files without file extension.
but works plain text files (even extension).
pro: stable , free
contra: no syntax highlighting
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