Unable to Parse JSON Response from Rails Controller in Javascript -
i'm working in rails 4 app , using best_in_place ajax update user's address field.
the ajax call works , in update action in controller have respond_to block i'd spit out user id, new updated address , boolean if address valid or not.
respond_to |format| format.json { render :json => { :id => @user.id, :address => @user.address, :address_valid => @user.address_valid } } end
in javascript, i'm trying parse json. have tried both ['id'] , dot notation. here's js function listen json after successful update:
$('.best_in_place').bind("ajax:success", function (response, data) { console.log(response) console.log(data) console.log(typeof data) }); });
the console logs response json controller predictably:
jquery.event {type: "ajax:success", timestamp: 1401820902436, jquery1110046177322673611343: true, istrigger: 3, namespace: ""…} {"id":704,"address":"austin, tx 78751, usa","address_valid":false} string
i'm getting 'undefined' data.id. i've tried calling ## heading ##
so had typed question figured i'd post because found answer , figured might someone: needed use
in js , set json object variable. there, able access json object.
var user = json.parse(data)
from there, able call user.id, user.address, etc. in js.
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