rails polymorphic Association doesn't save id -

this weird , don't it.

i got polymorphic new form storing address, create method doesn't create association.


%= form_for [@mappable, @location] |form| %> <div class="inline-label-container">   <%= form.label :street_address, "street address", :class => "inline" %>   <%= form.text_field :street_address, :onkeyup => 'timed_input(this)', :value => current_user.location.address, :autocomplete => :off %>   <%= form.label :location_description, "found location"%>   <%= form.text_field :address, :value => @user.location.address, :disabled => :true%>   <%= form.hidden_field :google_address, :value => @user.location.address %>   <%= form.hidden_field :latitude, :value => @user.location.latitude %>   <%= form.hidden_field :longitude, :value => @user.location.longitude %>   <%= form.submit "enter location", :class => "btn btn-large btn-success" %>   can drag , drop marker!   <small>   </small> </div> <%end%> 


def new     @user = current_user     @mappable = load_mappable     @location = @mappable.build_location end    def create          @user = current_user     @mappable = load_mappable     @location = @mappable.build_location(params[:location], :mappable_id => @mappable.id, :mappable_type => @mappable.class.base_class.name)      respond_to |format|     if @location.save            format.html { redirect_to :back, notice: "#{@mappable.id}, #{@mappable.class.base_class.name}"}       format.json { render :json => :back, :status => :created, :location => @user }       #redirect_to @commentable, notice: "comment created."     else       format.html { redirect_to root_path }       format.json { render :json => @location.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }       #render :new     end     end    def load_mappable resource, id = request.path.split('/')[1,2] @mappable = resource.singularize.classify.constantize.find(id) 


in create method passing mappable_id , type last attempts them. odd because in after create notice correct mappable_id , mappable_type displayed

2.1.1 :085 > location.last   location load (0.6ms)  select "locations".* "locations" order "locations"."id" desc limit 1  => #<location id: 95, address: nil, longitude: -74.009457, latitude: 40.704513, postcode: nil, created_at: "2014-06-01 19:06:19",  updated_at: "2014-06-01 19:06:20", actor_id: nil, country: nil, country_code: nil, postal_code: nil, city: nil, political: nil, loc ality: nil, sublocality: nil, street_address: "108 pearl street", google_address: "108 pearl street, new york, ny 10004, usa", ward _id: nil, **mappable_id: nil**, mappable_type: "skill">  

why mappable_id missing ? please


class location < activerecord::base   include activemodel::validations    belongs_to :mappable, :polymorphic => true    searchkick    has_one :map, :dependent => :destroy   has_one :group, :through => :map, :source => :mappable, :source_type => 'group'    belongs_to :ward   accepts_nested_attributes_for :ward   has_one :localfeed   attr_accessible :address, :latitude, :longitude, :postcode, :user_id, :actor_id, :group_id,     :country,       :country_code,       :postal_code,       :city,       :political,       :locality,       :sublocality,       :street_address,     :google_address,     :location_attributes,     :mappable_id,     :mappable_type,     :ward_id    geocoded_by :to_s   #before_save :geolocate   validate :street_address, :address_validator => true    after_validation :geocode   #before_save :geolocate   after_save :createward   #after_save :ward_present #creates new ward , feed if not existant    def address_changed?   attrs = %w(street_address city postal_code)   attrs.any?{|a| send "#{a}_changed?"}   end    def to_s     "#{google_address} #{city} #{postal_code}" +" gb"   end    def gmaps4rails_address     address   end    def ward_present     if self.ward_id = nil?       w = ward.find_by_name(self.city)       self.ward_id = w.id     else       self.destroy     end   end      geocoded_by :to_s |prof,results|   if result = results.select{|res| res.country_code == "gb" }.first     unless (result.latitude.nil? || result.longitude.nil?)       prof.latitude = result.latitude       prof.longitude = result.longitude       prof.country = result.country       prof.postal_code = result.postal_code       prof.city = result.city       #prof.political = result.political      # prof.locality = result.locality     #  prof.sublocality = result.sublocality       prof.street_address = result.street_address     end     result.coordinates   end end    def geolocate      res = googlegeocoder.geocode(to_s)      if res.success      self.latitude = res.latitude     self.lonitude = res.longitude     else       errors[:base] << "geocoding failed, check address"       return false   end   end    def createward     unless self.city.nil?     w = ward.find_by_name(self.city)     if w.nil?     c = self.create_ward!({:name => self.city, :city => self.city}) # should [name => self.sublocality]     self.ward_id = c.id     else     self.ward_id = w.id     end     end   end     def self.groups      self.where(:user_id => nil)   end   def self.users     self.where(:group_id => nil)   end   def self.users_city(city)     self.where(:mappable_type => "user", :city => city).map(&:mappable_id).uniq     #returns array  of user_ids!   end    def search_and_fill_latlng(address=nil)     okresponse = false     geocoder = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?sensor=false&address="      if address == nil       address = self.address     end      if address != nil && address != ""       url = uri.escape(geocoder+address)       resp = restclient.get(url)       result = json.parse(resp.body)        if result["status"] == "ok"         self.latitude = result["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]         self.longitude = result["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]         okresponse = true       end     end     okresponse   end   end 


class skill < activerecord::base    attr_accessible :avatar_attributes, :photo_attributes, :name, :description,:skill_type_id, :properties, :teachers_title, :necessary_resources, :level, :required_experience,   :price, :start_date, :min_students, :max_students, :activity_duration, :location_id, :user_id, :location_attributes, :skill_type_attributes     belongs_to :user   belongs_to :skill_type   has_one :ward, :as => :warded   accepts_nested_attributes_for :skill_type    has_one :location, :as => :mappable   accepts_nested_attributes_for :location 

included both model classes location , skill.


started post "/skills/10/locations" @ 2014-06-02 13:11:32 +0100 processing locationscontroller#create html   parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"hgjxwarawys4rp3gidzbnd3mrshcnvdltb0r6ulblbo=", "location"=>{"street_address"=>"1 01 pearl street cardiff", "google_address"=>"101 pearl street, cardiff cf24 1ne, uk", "latitude"=>"51.4866055", "longitude"=>"-3.15 24131999999554"}, "commit"=>"enter location", "skill_id"=>"10"}   user load (0.8ms)  select "users".* "users" "users"."id" = 6 limit 1   location load (0.6ms)  select "locations".* "locations" "locations"."mappable_id" = 6 , "locations"."mappable_type"  = 'user' limit 1   avatar load (0.5ms)  select "avatars".* "avatars" "avatars"."avatarable_id" = 6 , "avatars"."avatarable_type" = 'use r' limit 1   profile load (0.5ms)  select "profiles".* "profiles" "profiles"."user_id" = 6 limit 1   skill load (0.4ms)  select "skills".* "skills" "skills"."id" = $1 limit 1  [["id", "10"]]   cache (0.0ms)  select "skills".* "skills" "skills"."id" = $1 limit 1  [["id", "10"]]   location load (0.6ms)  select "locations".* "locations" "locations"."mappable_id" = 10 , "locations"."mappable_type"  = 'skill' limit 1    (0.1ms)  begin   sql (0.8ms)  insert "locations" ("actor_id", "address", "city", "country", "country_code", "created_at", "google_address", " latitude", "locality", "longitude", "mappable_id", "mappable_type", "political", "postal_code", "postcode", "street_address", "subl ocality", "updated_at", "ward_id") values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19) re turning "id"  [["actor_id", nil], ["address", nil], ["city", "cardiff"], ["country", "united kingdom"], ["country_code", nil], ["cr eated_at", mon, 02 jun 2014 12:11:33 utc +00:00], ["google_address", "101 pearl street, cardiff cf24 1ne, uk"], ["latitude", 51.486 6055], ["locality", nil], ["longitude", -3.1524132], ["mappable_id", 10], ["mappable_type", "skill"], ["political", nil], ["postal_ code", "cf24 1ne"], ["postcode", nil], ["street_address", "101 pearl street"], ["sublocality", nil], ["updated_at", mon, 02 jun 201 4 12:11:33 utc +00:00], ["ward_id", nil]]   ward load (0.5ms)  select "wards".* "wards" "wards"."name" = 'cardiff' limit 1    (0.8ms)  commit 

don't know why, problem location_controller new method changed @location = @mappable.build_location @location = location.new , started work.


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