d3.js - How to add filters effects to Svg in d3 -

<svg viewbox = "0 0 1100 400" version = "1.1">     <desc>         filter example     </desc>     <filter id = "i1">         <fegaussianblur in = "sourcealpha" stddeviation = "4" result = "blur1"/>         <fespecularlighting result = "specout" in = "blur1" specularexponent = "20" lighting-color = "#bbbbbb">             <fepointlight x = "50" y = "100" z = "200"/>         </fespecularlighting>         <fecomposite in = "sourcegraphic" in2 = "specout" operator = "arithmetic" k1 = "0" k2 = "1" k3 = "1" k4 = "0"/>     </filter>       

var svg=svg.selectall(".circle")       .data(this.data)       .enter().append("circle")       .attr("class", "circle")       .attr("r",function(d) {return r(math.sqrt( d[2]));})       .attr("cx", function(d) { return x(d[0]); })       .attr("cy", function(d) { return y(d[1]); })       .style("fill","blue"); 

how can add filter svg circle.

how can use filter effect in svg(d3). cani use directly or have change d3 format.

you have remove viewbox attribute first first svg, wrap around html , d3 can add svg tag containing animation. have add circles want attribute filter=url(#i1) told before.

i made codepen demonstrate how works this d3 example. take @ it, works perfectly.


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