sorting - In Perl, how do I print hash keys in order of their (numerical) values? -
i have hash in keys strings , values single-digit numbers; here's slice of said hash:
'f92a0d43-a230-4bfd-b580-9eac5e0ce6cf' => 7, '26c4b622-969f-4861-bbab-dd506ea4b00a' => 1, 'afb1f925-4109-4b1d-967f-3958106e0bc3' => 3, 'a099a6dc-0c66-4683-94c3-29d6ef6947fd' => 1, 'e71c4860-224d-4b8d-ae9e-4700e9e65a97' => 2,
i want print keys in order of descending values. slice listed there, output be:
'f92a0d43-a230-4bfd-b580-9eac5e0ce6cf' => 7 'afb1f925-4109-4b1d-967f-3958106e0bc3' => 3 'e71c4860-224d-4b8d-ae9e-4700e9e65a97' => 2 '26c4b622-969f-4861-bbab-dd506ea4b00a' => 1 'a099a6dc-0c66-4683-94c3-29d6ef6947fd' => 1
the order of keys identical values not matter. answers question: in perl, how can print key corresponding maximum value in hash? suggest using sort function; have:
@values = sort { $b <=> $a } values %id_hash;
what having trouble printing keys in order.
i tried:
foreach(@values) { $cur = $_; print "$id_hash{$cur}\t$cur\n"; }
which fails because i'm supplying values rather keys.
i know can print key/value pairs tab-separated file , use unix version of sort i'm sure there's way perl. appreciated.
sort keys values in hash, use sorted keys print.
for $key ( sort { $id_hash{$b} <=> $id_hash{$a} } keys %id_hash ) { print join( "\t", $key, $id_hash{$key} ), "\n"; }
this equivalent may little clearer:
my @sorted_keys = sort { $id_hash{$b} <=> $id_hash{$a} } keys %id_hash ; print "$_\t$id_hash{$_}\n" @sorted_keys;
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