Getting transparency to work in glumpy with pygame -
i have been having difficulties getting glumpy work transparent colormaps, , transparency in general.
below simple script should draw 2 transparent glumpy images, 1 on top of other. second overwrites first, can't see 1 behind other.
i have experimented different opengl enable/disable commands, no joy! or suggestions appreciated.
from pylab import * import pygame pygame.locals import * import glumpy import gl import opengl.glu glu # set width , height of screen [width,height] size=[256,256] screen=pygame.display.set_mode(size,opengl|doublebuf) ## think here might work, i've ## experimented turining these off , on. suggestions? gl.gldisable(gl.gl_depth_test) gl.gldisable(gl.gl_lighting) gl.glenable(gl.gl_blend) gl.glblendfunc (gl.gl_src_alpha, gl.gl_one_minus_src_alpha) = np.random.rand(256,256).astype('f') a[0:128,:] = 1.0 b = np.random.rand(256,256).astype('f') b[:,0:128] = 1.0 # cmaps acm = glumpy.colormap.colormap("rd", (0., (1.,1.,0.,0.0)), (1., (1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))) bcm = glumpy.colormap.colormap("bl", (0., (0.,1.0,1.,0.0)), (1., (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0))) # glumpy images ai = glumpy.image.image(a,colormap=acm) bi = glumpy.image.image(b,colormap=bcm) print('press q or esc quit') while true : gl.glpushmatrix() gl.glloadidentity() gl.glviewport(0, 0, size[0],size[1]) # draw diagonal line underneath gl.glcolor4d(1,0,0,1) gl.glbegin(gl.gl_lines) gl.glvertex3d(0,0,-0.1) gl.glvertex3d(1,1.0,-0.1) gl.glend() # draw glumpy images, ai beneath bi ai.draw(x=-1,y=-1,z=0,width=2.0,height=2.0) bi.draw(x=-.9,y=-.9,z=0.1,width=1.8,height=2.0) gl.glpopmatrix() pygame.display.flip() gl.glclearcolor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1); gl.glclear(gl.gl_color_buffer_bit); event in pygame.event.get(): # user did if event.type == pygame.keydown: if event.key in [pygame.k_q, pygame.k_escape] : pygame.quit() sys.exit()
i believe problem above caused bug in glumpy. have outlined simple patch appears rectify problem here:!topic/glumpy-users/uui4yzl0ktu
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