java - How to load an entity from a service in Angular 2 in an *ngFor -
so let's example want list set of students in angular2 pulling data java backend service, , fields are:
- id
- name
- age
- field
- universityid
now when display on webpage, not wish display universityid university name. should mention there university entity:
- id
- name
- city
how can display name of university instead of id in webpage, without creating new field in student entity? know how 1 student, how can on *ngfor loop?
thank help, hope question clear.
for example:
//student.component.ts import { component, oninit } '@angular/core'; import { studentservice } 'my/studentservice/path'; import {student} 'my/studentmodel/path'; import { universityservice } 'my/universityservice/path'; import { university } 'my/univeristymodel/path'; @component({ selector: 'student', templateurl: './student.component.html' }) export class studentcomponent implements oninit { students = student []; university: university; constructor( private studentservice : studentservice; private universityservice : universityservice; ){} loadall(){ this.studentservice.query(myparameters).subscribe(students => this.students = students; } ngoninit(){ this.loadall(); } }
and in html
//student.component.html <table> <tr *ngfor="let student of students"> <td><a [routerlink]="['../student', ]">{{}}</a></td> <td>{{}}</td> <td>{{student.age}}</td> <td>{{student.field}}</td> <td>{{student.universityid}}</td> </tr> </table>
i have universityservice, , can retrieve university universityid. how do can display university name , not id in html?
i tried solution, never ending loop in method:
//student.component.ts public loaduniversityname(id){ this.universityservice.find(id).subscribe(university => { = university; return; }); }
and inserted in html:
//student.component.html <td>{{loaduniversityname(student.univeristyid)}}</td>
if getting list of students server, need have entire object universityentity inside studentobject instead of universityid. in case of ngfor, should have code this:
<table> <tr *ngfor="let student of students"> <td><a [routerlink]="['../student', ]"> {{}}</a></td> <td>{{}}</td> <td>{{student.age}}</td> <td>{{student.field}}</td> <td>{{}}</td> </tr> </table>
so object should this:
students: any[] = [{ id: 1, name: 'mark', age: 22, field: 'science', universityentity: { id: 1, name: 'cambridge', city: 'cambridge' } }]
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