android - How to setExtras from Activity to Service? -

so need send btdevice defined in 1 activity service in params can it. here code of service:

public class servicio extends jobservice implements serviceconnection {  private static bluetoothdevice btdevice; public temperaturafragment temperaturafragment; private metawearboard mwboard;  @override public boolean onstartjob(jobparameters params) {     mjobhandler.sendmessage( message.obtain( mjobhandler, 1, params ) );     params.getextras(btdevice = getparcelableextra(extra_bt_device));     getapplicationcontext().bindservice(new intent(this, btleservice.class), (serviceconnection) this, bind_auto_create);     return true; }    @override public boolean onstopjob(jobparameters params) {      return false; } private handler mjobhandler = new handler(new handler.callback() {      @override     public boolean handlemessage( message msg ) {          toast.maketext( getapplicationcontext(),                 "jobservice task running", toast.length_short )                 .show();         jobfinished( (jobparameters) msg.obj, false );         return true;     }  } ); 

and here object want send defined in activity:

btdevice= getintent().getparcelableextra(extra_bt_device); 

i want use builder.setextras(the object here) , in service getextras(get object) set extras bluetoothdevice , needs bundle. idea? help.

i put , doesn't work, because data read, not sent

intent serviceintent = new intent(servicio.class.getname())                     serviceintent.putextra(1, getintent().getparcelableextra(extra_bt_device));                     getapplicationcontext().startservice(serviceintent); 

because setextras() method of intent takes input value bundle object , bluetoothdevice object not bundle class object.

you can pass primitive data type , serialized ,parcelable , arraylist through bundle , intent .

bound services

a bound service server in client-server interface. allows components (such activities) bind service, send requests, receive responses, , perform interprocess communication (ipc). bound service typically lives while serves application component , not run in background indefinitely.

bound service example in android

and find how call service class method activity

define interface service use communicate events:


you can send data in service through intent below code:

intent serviceintent = new intent(yourservice.class.getname()) serviceintent.putextra("userid", "123456"); context.startservice(serviceintent); 

and can retrieve intent object in callback method of service class called :

when service started onstartcommand() method called in method can retrieve value (userid) intent object example

public int onstartcommand (intent intent, int flags, int startid) {     string userid = intent.getstringextra("userid");     return start_sticky; } 

edit 2

you can send bluetoothdevice object directly intent below code because bluetoothdevice class implements parcelable interface.

intent serviceintent = new intent(yourservice.class.getname()) bundle bundle = new bundle(); bundle.putparcelable("btdevice",bluetoothdevice); serviceintent.putextras(bundle); context.startservice(serviceintent); 

and can retrieve below in service class: in onstartcommand method

bluetoothdevice btdevice = (bluetoothdevice ) bundle.getparcelable("btdevice"); 


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