hadoop - NameNode Does Not Start with start-all.sh -

the namenode not start after stop-all.sh start-all.sh. try hadoop namenode -format , hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode ok. data lost in hdfs.

i not want data loss. result, hadoop namenode -format command not want path solution. how can start namenode start-all.sh ?


first of all, stop-all.sh start-all.sh deprecated. use start-dfs.sh , start-yarn.sh instead of start-all.sh. same stop-all.sh(it says so)

secondly, hadoop namenode -format formats hdfs , should therefore used once, @ time of installation.

hadoop default sets property of hadoop.tmp.dir directory in /tmp, files deleted after every restart. set hadoop.tmp.dir property in $hadoop_home/conf/hadoop/core-site.xml, place files not deleted. run hadoop namenode -format (actually hdfs namenode -format, 1 deprecated.) 1 last time , start daemons.

ps: if can post log file or terminal screenshot of error, easier you.


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