android - Why popup view collapsing other views? -
i'm using popup window show calendar view ,while showing popup window collapses whole view ,i.e disturbing view next ,it doesn't popup spinner(spinner adapter view). may problem , here code
private void showpopup(context context,linearlayout parent,final view v) { layoutinflater layoutinflater = (layoutinflater)context .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service); layout = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.popupl,parent,true); // creating popupwindow final popupwindow popupwindow = new popupwindow( layout,700,700); popupwindow.setfocusable(true); popupwindow.setcontentview(layout); popupwindow.setheight(windowmanager.layoutparams.wrap_content); popupwindow.setwidth(250); new runnable(){ @override public void run() { popupwindow.showasdropdown(v, -5, 0); } }; }
these tips popupwindow pop position,
// anchor, not offset popupwindow.showasdropdown (v); // anchor, offset (screenwidth-dialgowidth) / 2, 0) - button below popupwindow.showasdropdown (v, (screenwidth-dialgowidth) / 2, 0); // center of screen reference, not offset popupwindow.showatlocation (findviewbyid (,, 0, 0); // lower-left corner of screen reference, offset (screenwidth the-dialgowidth) / 2, 0) - bottom of screen central popupwindow.showatlocation (findviewbyid (;
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