r - How to display 0 value in a bar chart using ggplot2 -
i have data frame called data:
date total_sold purchasability visibility 81 2014-05-01 3 3 3 82 2014-05-02 2 2 3 83 2014-05-03 1 2 3 84 2014-05-04 1 3 3 85 2014-05-05 3 2 3 86 2014-05-06 0 0 3
and bar chart x = date , y = total_sold color depending on purchasability. ggplot2 :
bar <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = date, fill=as.factor(purchasability),y = total_sold)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity')
the output nice problem total_sold = 0 there not chart , no way know purchasability. possible still display bar (maybe 0.5 -0.5) when total_sold = 0 ?
i'm not sure there's simple way go 0.5 -0.5 can show 0 value being fraction (eg -0.1) modifying value in bar=
line to:
bar <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = date, fill=as.factor(purchasability),y = sapply(total_sold, fun=function(x) ifelse(x==0, -0.1,x) ))) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity')
this produces:
it little misleading show 0 other 0, hope solves problem.
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