c# - An object reference is required for the non-static field,method, or property dataGridView1 -
i have 2 forms in windows forms application. want take parameters second form filter datagridview
in first form.
here filtergrid
method on first form:
public void filtergrid(string query) { oledbconnection connection = new oledbconnection(); oledbdataadapter adapter = new oledbdataadapter(); oledbcommand command = new oledbcommand(); connection.connectionstring = @"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=c:\users\tamer memili\desktop\urun.accdb; persist security info=false;"; connection.open(); dataset dataset = new dataset(); datatable datatable = new datatable(); dataset.tables.add(datatable); adapter.selectcommand = command; command.connection = connection; command.commandtext = query; adapter.fill(datatable); datagridview1.datasource = datatable.defaultview; connection.close(); }
i have define method public static void access form2, when that, error on line:
datagridview1.datasource = datatable.defaultview;
i error:
an object reference required non-static field, method, or property datagridview1
how can that?
try make filtergrid method non static :
public void filtergrid(string query)
then send form1 reference form2. suspect @ point soemthing this
form2 form2 = new form2() form2.showdialog()
you can add new constructor form2 this
form2(form1 form1instance) { this._form1instance =form1instance }
and pass instance of form1 form2 when construct it:
form2 form2 = new form2(this) form2.showdialog()
then, when want call filter form filtergrid form 2 is
_form1instance.filtergrid("my query")
i hope helps
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