php - cant save multiple tables in cakephp -
i learning cakephp , have made quite bit already. reason asking question docs in cakephp wrong. cant see docs or past stackoverflow posts on issue why (child)teacher table doesnt save user_id id table in (parent)user table. no error user_id 0 in teacher table isnt picking user table. have one-one relationship on 2 models. testing saving on 2 models have user , teacher. enter data in form , create new user , new teacher user_id being foreign key in teacher table. loathe ask question there lot of material on cant see issue after following docs in cakephp.
public function addteacher() { if ($this->request->is('post')) { $this->user->create(); } if (!empty($this->request->data)) { // can save user data: // should in $this->request->data['user'] $user = $this->user->save($this->request->data); // if user saved, add information data // , save profile. if (!empty($user)) { // id of newly created user has been set // $this->user->id. $this->request->data['teacher']['user_id'] = $this->user->id; //here problem // because our user hasone profile, can access // profile model through user model: if ($this->user->teacher->save($this->request->data)) { $this->session->setflash(__('your post has been saved.')); return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'login')); } } } } <?php echo $this->form->create('user'); echo $this->form->input('user.username'); echo $this->form->input('user.password'); echo $this->form->input('teacher.firstname'); //text echo $this->form->input('teacher.surname'); echo $this->form->input('teacher.address'); //text echo $this->form->input('teacher.suburb'); echo $this->form->input('');
echo $this->form->end('save post'); ?>
$this->request->data['teacher']['user_id'] = $this->user->id;
$this->request->data['teacher']['user_id'] = $this->user->id;
capital "t". model names camelcased.
that said there no need 2 saves. can use
it save both user record , teacher record adding proper foreign key value teacher record (assuming have setup proper association between user , teacher model).
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