react native - Drawer is not triggered when swiping to the right -

i'm using react native-base , i'm trying swipe screen right show drawer. i'm expecting see while swiping:

enter image description here

below code,

import react, { component } 'react' import { drawer, view } 'native-base' import { navigator } 'react-native'  export default class appcontainer extends component {   constructor(props) {     super(props)     this.state = {       toggled: false,       store: {},       theme: null     }   }   toggledrawer() {     this.state.toggled ? this._drawer.close() :   }   opendrawer() {     this.setstate({toggled: true})   }   closedrawer() {     this.setstate({toggled: false})   }   renderscene(route, navigator) {     switch(route) {       default: {         return null       }     }   }   configurescene(route, routestack) {     return navigator.sceneconfigs.pushfromright   }   render() {     return (       <drawer         ref={(ref) => this._drawer = ref}         type="displace"         content={<view style={{backgroundcolor: "#000", height: 1000}}/>}         onclose={this.closedrawer.bind(this)}         onopen={this.opendrawer.bind(this)}         opendraweroffset={0.2}         >           <navigator             ref={(ref) => this._navigator = ref}             configurescene={this.configurescene.bind(this)}             renderscene={this.renderscene.bind(this)}             />         </drawer>     )   } } 

when run code, blank screen. tried swiping right drawer doesn't appear.

enter image description here

as can see, i'm returning drawer component in render function, when try swipe it, drawer doesn't appear. tried run on android both on physical device , virtual device , dont activate drawer. might issue?

within drawer component after


add following:

panopenmask={0.80} capturegestures="open" 


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