sql - System.Data.DbType to TSQL parameter datatype -
do guys know of mapping list or ideally .net standard class or function convert system.data.dbtype
enum options tsql "string" corresponding specified sql server type.
// type: system.data.dbtype // assembly: system.data, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089 // mvid: cb77dbfa-81c4-4326-93f6-e2eec5d3c28a // assembly location: c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework\v4.0.30319\system.data.dll namespace system.data { /// <summary> /// specifies data type of field, property, or parameter object of .net framework data provider. /// </summary> /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority> public enum dbtype { ansistring = 0, binary = 1, byte = 2, boolean = 3, currency = 4, date = 5, datetime = 6, decimal = 7, double = 8, guid = 9, int16 = 10, int32 = 11, int64 = 12, object = 13, sbyte = 14, single = 15, string = 16, time = 17, uint16 = 18, uint32 = 19, uint64 = 20, varnumeric = 21, ansistringfixedlength = 22, stringfixedlength = 23, xml = 25, datetime2 = 26, datetimeoffset = 27, } }
dbtype.int32 -> int dbtype.ansistring -> varchar dbtype.string -> nvarchar dbtype.guid -> uniqueidentifier
thank help.
here lines of code wrote before:
public enum recurring_dayofweek { sunday = 2, monday = 4, tuesday = 8, wednesday = 16, thursday = 32, friday = 64, saturday = 128 }
req_param description of enum if don't have description work, in enumhelper leave example....
system.data.sqldbtype sqldatatype = (system.data.sqldbtype)enum.parse(typeof(system.data.sqldbtype), enumhelper.enumdescription(req_param), true); using system.componentmodel; public static class enumhelper { public enum speed { [description("5 metters per second")] 5 = 5, [description("10 metters per second")] ten = 10, [description("15 metters per second")] fifteen = 15, [description("20 metters per second")] twenty = 20, //[description("25 metters per second")] twentyfive = 25, [description("30 metters per second")] thirty = 30 } /// <summary> /// string value of enum attribute /// </summary> /// <param name="enumconstant"></param> /// <returns> /// string enumdesctiption = enumhelper.enumdescription(enumhelper.speed.thirty); /// enumdesctiption = enumhelper.enumdescription(dayofweek.monday); when there no desc returns string enum property /// </returns> public static string enumdescription(enum enumconstant) { system.reflection.fieldinfo fi = enumconstant.gettype().getfield(enumconstant.tostring()); descriptionattribute[] aattr = (descriptionattribute[])fi.getcustomattributes(typeof(descriptionattribute), false); if (aattr.length > 0) { return aattr[0].description; } else { return enumconstant.tostring(); } } }
be careful bit , validation c#, vb.net <--> sql
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