vhdl - FATAL_ERROR: Iteration limit 10000 is reached -
it on 2 weeks faced probem, im programming artix 7 fpga. process simple:
- a serial module receive 2 bitstreams(2 bytes)
- demux module according these 2 bytes enable 2 bits in array puf_en
when add demux module whoe design, during simulation receive error: fatal_error: iteration limit 10000 reached.
the code demux here:
puf_state_process:process(clk,uart_read,puf_signal,uart_read_flag) begin if (rising_edge(clk)) if (uart_read="11111111") then-- means reset stop_s<='0'; puf_signal<=initial; reset_s<='1'; led_s<="1111"; else case puf_signal when initial=> reset_s<='1'; puf_en_s<=(others=>'0'); led_s<="0001"; --if uart_read_flag='1' if uart_read/="11111110" else stop_s<='0'; puf_signal<=ch_i; end if; -- end if; when ch_i => if uart_read="11111110" or uart_read="11111111" else ch_i_s<=(uart_read); puf_signal<=ch_j; led_s<="0010"; end if; when ch_j=> if uart_read="11111110" or uart_read="11111111" or uart_read=ch_i_s else ch_j_s<=(uart_read); mux_en_s_j<=uart_read; puf_signal<=start; timer_s<=(others=>'0'); led_s<="0011"; end if; when start=> reset_s<='0'; if timer_start<10000 mux_en_s_i<=ch_i_s; mux_en_s_j<=ch_j_s; timer_start<=timer_start+1; in 0 (ro_number) loop if i=ch_i_s puf_en_s(i)<='1'; elsif i=ch_j_s puf_en_s(i)<='1'; else puf_en_s(i)<='0'; end if; end loop; led_s<="0100"; else puf_signal<=finish; timer_start<=0; led_s<="0101"; end if; when finish=> if timer_s<timer_max_value timer_s<=timer_s+'1'; puf_en_s<=(others=>'0'); led_s<="0100"; else stop_s<='1'; timer_s<=(others=>'0'); led_s<="0111"; puf_signal<=initial; end if; end case; end if; end if; end process;
can tel me wrong code? tested severa different approaches have error.
the main problem not in code.it correlated ring oscillators.in ring oscillators there combinational loops 0 delay , caused problem
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