vba - Loop through subrecords in MS Access -
i've got nested datasheet, bar child of foo.
to loop through records of foo, do
dim rst dao.recordset set rst = forms!foo.form.recordsetclone until rst.eof 'do rst.movenext loop
but want loop through records of child form bar. tried
dim rst dao.recordset dim subrst dao.recordset set rst = forms!foo.form.recordsetclone until rst.eof set subrst = forms!foo.form!bar.form.recordsetclone until subrst.eof 'do subrst.movenext loop rst.movenext loop
sadly loops through subrecords of first record. other subrecords never reached. how access recordset of other subrecords?
the relation have subrecords belonging current (visible) record of parent record.
to retrieve remaining subrecords, either move record on main form (use bookmark) or open recordsource of subform , loop filtering on key of parent record in current loop (of "foo").
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